Wynncraft攻略Wiki - Quest: Heart of Llevigar (Llevigarの心臓部)


Zenam: Uh, no. Oh this doesn't make any sense! What idiot designed this?
(Zenam: いや、違う。あぁもうわからん!どのバカがこれを設計したんだ?)

Zenam: Oh, hello there. Sorry, the power plant is closed for maintenance.
(Zenam: ?? 。すいません、整備のために今日は発電所は閉まってます。)

Zenam: Or are you the expert we're paying a fortune to fix our issue? You are?
(Zenam: それともあなたが高い料金払ってまで雇った専門家ですか? )

Zenam: Well, I wasn't expecting a human. This system is top-tier villager engineering from years ago.
(Zenam: そうですか、人間が来ると思ってませんでした。このシステムは何年前からの最高級Villager技術で作られたんだ。)

Zenam: The system was so perfect, no one has had to touch it in centuries, until now.
(Zenam: このシステムは完璧だったんだ、このところ数百年は誰にも触れられてないんだ、今までな。)

[WARNING] Power Level: 55.0%
([警告] パワーレベル:55.0%)

Zenam: Hear that? We don't have much time until full meltdown! There is an entrance to the power plant opposite of the bank. Tell the Head Engineer I sent you!
(Zenam: 聞こえるか?メルトダウンまでもう時間は無い!銀行の反対側に発電所への入り口がある、俺が送ったってHead Engineerに言っとけ!)

[WARNING] Power Level: 52.5%
([警告] パワーレベル:52.5%)


Llevigar発電所のHead Engineerを見つける。

Head Engineer: Ah, you must be the expert. Did Zenam tell you about the entrance? It took us two weeks to find it.
(Head Engineer: あぁ、あなたが専門家ですな。Zenamに入り口のことを教えてもらいましたね?見つけるのに二週間かかったんですよ。)

Head Engineer: No one has looked after this place in hundreds of years. My great grandfather was the last known engineer that understood this place.
(Head Engineer: ここはもう数百年管理されてないんだよ。最後にここを理解しきってた人は自分の曾祖父さんでしてね。)

Head Engineer: I had the easiest job ever, until the power started going haywire. Now all the blueprints are lost and no one understands this magical technology.
(Head Engineer: これ以上簡単な仕事はなかったんだ、電源が暴走する前までは。今はもう設計図が無くなって誰もこの魔法技術を理解できてない。)

Head Engineer: I'm not sure how a human like yourself is an expert on this, but I'm not one to take away responsibility from someone else.
(Head Engineer: どうやってあなたみたいな人間がこれを知り尽くしてるかは知らないけど、別に私は他人から仕事を奪うようなことはしないよ。)

Head Engineer: I guess you can start with the weird holes around the plant, they seem to lead to various parts of the system. See the one on the opposite wall? That's one of them.
(Head Engineer: まあ機械の周りにある不思議な穴を探ってみたら?機械の様々な部分に繋がってるみたいだ。反対側の壁の穴は見えるか?あれだよ。)

Head Engineer: If you find the right one, I guess you can find the power source. However some of these holes do not work in both direction, you might end up somewhere else when you step back.
(Head Engineer: あってるのを見つけたら、電源を見つけることができると思う。しかしこの穴は両方の方向が繋がってるわけでは無いみたいだ。前に戻ろうとすると違うところに繋がってるかもな。)

機械の構造に入る方法を見つける。 パズルを解く。 乾いた壊れた水管に入る。


Head Engineerと話をしてどうやってもう一回機械に入るか問う。

Head Engineer: What did you find? What does it look like? I admit, I've never seen it..
(Head Engineer: なにを見つけたんだ?どんな構造だったか?実際には見たこと無いんだよ…)

Head Engineer: A room with a blue beam inside it? And it said >High Voltage<? Oh boy. My grandfather told me a story about overloads in the system.
(Head Engineer: 青い光線がある部屋だって?それに >高電圧< って書いてたの?それはやばいな。祖父から機械の物語を聴いたことがある。)

Head Engineer: It's a fault in the system. The chances are so slim that it was approved for construction anyway, but it could lead to the destruction of Llevigar.
(Head Engineer:機械のエラーだよ。この問題が発生する可能性が実に低かったからそのままこの発電所は建てられたんだけど、これはLlevigarの崩壊に繋がるかもしれない。)

Head Engineer: Of course, you already knew that, being the expert. I guess you will want to reset the system. Thank heavens there is a reset button. It's supposed to be idiot proof.
(Head Engineer: もちろん知ってるんだよね、これが仕事なんだから。システムをリセットしてきてくれないか?リセットボタンがあって良かったな。アホ対策はされてるはずだ。)

Head Engineer: I have no idea how to navigate the system, but your best bet is to head up those stairs.
(Head Engineer: システムの操作は全然知らないが、そこの階段を登るといいよ。)

Head Engineer: There is an entrance up there with an awful buzzing noise coming from it. Good luck.
(Head Engineer: この上には酷い雑音が聞こえる入り口がある。頑張れよ。)

階段を上がってボタンを見つける。 パズルを解く。

Head Engineerに報告する。

Head Engineer: What's that? You did it? Well, obviously. The system seems to be returning to normal.
(Head Engineer: なんだって?直ったの?まあそうだろな。機械が元に戻ってる。)

Head Engineer: Let's hope that in a couple hundred years, the next generations know how to deal with it. Maybe I should write it down, nah I'm sure it won't happen again.
(Head Engineer: 数百年後の時の世代は対処法を見つけてるといいな。書いておこうかな、いやもう起きることはないだろ。)

Head Engineer: You should go back to Zenam, he will have your contract payment. I had my doubts about a human expert on magical villager technology, but you really pulled through. The exit is through the sewers.
(Head Engineer: Zenamに戻って支払い報酬をもらってこい。人間がVillagerの機械を本当に修理できるか疑ってたが、本当に直したな。出口は下水道の方にある。)


Zenam: Ah welcome back. The power is back and levels are returning to normal. Someone came in earlier claiming to be the power expert, but I told them you were already here.
(Zenam: あ、おかえり。電源は戻ってパワーレベルが正常になった。他の人がさっき来て修理人と言ってたけどもう君が到着してるのを教えておいた。)

Zenam: He was clearly here to take the contract money. Anyways, here you are. You may have saved Llevigar from implosion, we really should have paid you more, but that's all we can afford.
(Zenam: 彼奴は絶対に金だけ貰いに来てたな。まあ、あんたも来たことだし。Llevigarの破壊を止めてくれたからもっと払わないといけないんだけど、これしか余裕がないから。)

Zenam: Well, that's all then. I hope we won't need you in the future.
(Zenam: これで一件落着。今後また呼ぶ必要が無いことを祈るよ。)

[Quest Completed: Heart of Llevigar]
[+24500 Experience Points]
[+224 Emeralds]
[+Generator Amulet]

[クエスト完了: Llevigarの心臓部]
[+24500 経験値]
[+224 エメラルド]
[+Generator Amulet]