Wynncraft攻略Wiki - Quest: Pit of the Dead (亡者の縦穴)

場所Pit of the Dead
報酬2675 経験値
Skeletal Legs


場所Pit of the DeadX345Z-1916

Merloni: Would you like to hear the tale of the pit of the dead?

Merloni: It is the pit where the corpses of the poor miners who discovered what is now named the Nether Portal are buried.

Merloni: Those that had not already died had to be executed due to the insanity brought on from the corruption.
(Merloni: 死に至ることがなかった者も、呪いからもたらされる狂気によって処刑されなければなりませんでした。)

Merloni: Their spirits still haunt this grave and infect the minds of people who disturb them. It isn’t pretty.

Merloni: However, I heard rumours of those who were able to bathe in their waters and be accepted by them, to show no fear of the dead is to be admired.

Merloni: Maybe this shrine that I keep hearing about has something to do with it? It’s apparently hidden deep into this hole.

Merloni: Soldier, the pit is located south east of Nemract, across the bridge behind us. I will write down the coordinates inside your quest book.

Merloni: Enter the pit. Learn it's mysteries, then come back to me.
(Merloni: 穴に入ってください。謎を解明できたなら、また戻ってきてください。)


Merloni: Very impressive! Here's your reward. I found it a while ago while walking around Nemract. It probably fell off a skeleton!

[Quest Completed: Pit of the Dead]
[+2675 Experience Points]
[+Skeltal Legs]

[クエスト完了: 亡者の縦穴]
[+2675 経験値]
[+Skeltal Legs]