Wynncraft攻略Wiki - Quest: Potion Making (妙薬作り)

The Assistantが危険なポーションの効果を弱めようとプレイヤーに助けを求めている。、ポーションを変化させるためにプレイヤーの手を借りてその材料を集めようとしているようだ。
報酬1600 経験値
Essren's coat
1 Weakening Catalyst

DetlasにいるThe Assistantに話しかける。

The Assistant: Heeh...stranger. I...may need your assistance…
(The Assistant: ヘェェ...よそ者さん。私には...君の助けが必要だ...)

The Assistant: My master...wishes to create a very dangerous potion...a transformative elixir of invincibility…
(The Assistant: 私の師匠が... とても危険な薬... 無敵の変身薬を作りたいと...)

The Assistant: I was...in support of this... but the, he accrued essence of...the corruption to mix into the...elixir.
(The Assistant: 私も... 師の助けをしていたんだが...師は薬に混ぜるために...不浄のエッセンスを... 溜め込んでいたらしいんだ。)

The Assistant: I fear...that he may be going...too far. It could be...too dangerous to allow. If you will help…
(The Assitant: 師は... 行き過ぎてしまうかも...しれない。放っておくには... 危険すぎる。もしあんたが助けてくれるなら...)

The Assistant: Get me...[8 Red Mushroom], they can be found outside the east gate behind me..
(The Assitant: [8 Red Mushroom]を持ってきてくれ...俺の後ろから東の門を出ると見つかる...)

[8 Red Mushrooms] を The Assistant に持って行く
The Assistant: Good...good. You have the mushrooms.
(The Assitant: 良い... 良いぞ。キノコを持ってきてくれたみたいだな。)

The Assistant: You must...ensure that it has worked. You...are much stronger than I, stranger…
(The Assitant: あんたが... 成功したか確かめるんだ。あんたは私なんかよりずっと強いからな...)

The Assistant: Did you see the orange witch hat roofed hut when you were gathering the mushrooms?
(The Assitant: キノコを集めている時に、オレンジ色で魔女の帽子を被ったみたいな小屋を見かけたか?)

The Assistant: That is my master's house, you must go back out the east gate and enter the hut.
(The Assitant: それが師匠の家だ、もう一度東の門から出て小屋に向かってくれ。

The Assistant: Bring me his...coat as proof...of his death…
(The Assitant: 彼のコートを... 彼の死の証として... 持ってきてくれ...)

Dr. Essren: Ah, you must be the one my assistant told me about.
(Dr. Essren: ああ、お前が俺の助手が話していた奴だな。)

Dr. Essren: If you are trying to stop me, it's too late. I already drank the pot-...
(Dr. Essren: もし俺を止めようとしているならもう遅いぞ。もう薬はのんだ...)

Dr. Essren ... What is this taste? Mushrooms? This can't b-
(Dr. Essren: … なんだこの味は?キノコ? そんなはずは-)

Dr. Essren: Aa###a#####gg
(Dr. Essren: ウグッ... ググ ..)

Dr. Essren: What have you done to this potion, human? You will pay for it!
(Dr. Essren: この薬に一体なにをしてくれたんだ、人間め!この代償は払ってもらうぞ!)

Essren's Dusty Coat を The Assistant に持って行く
The Assistant: I must thank you stranger…
(The Assitant: 礼を言わなければいけないな...)

The Assistant: I only hope...that my master will not be...angry with me about this. It...was for the better.
(The Assitant: 師が今回の事に対して怒ってなければ... いいんだけどな。ただ... そうしたほうが良かったんだ。)

The Assistant: Now. I...do not want you saying anything about... these events. Take these, and... never speak of this again.
(The Assitant: さぁ、一連の事については... 話すなよ。これを持って行け、そして... 二度と口にするんじゃないぞ。)

[Quest Completed: Potion Making]
[+1600 Experience Points]
[+Essren’s Coat]

[クエスト完了: 妙薬作り]
[+1600 経験値]
[+Essren’s Coat]