

Ice Barrowsの内部に解決の鍵があると確信している彼は、情報を求めてプレイヤーに過去のNesaakで何があったのかを調べて来るよう依頼する。
場所Ice Barrows
報酬20000 経験値
1 Ice Barrows Dungeon Key
ダンジョン『Ice Barrows Dungeon』の解放


場所Ice Barrows入口X-165Y74Z-675

Telvu: Ah, a member of the Ragni army. We're trying to gain entry to this frozen barrow. We could use your aid.

Telvu: Are you familiar with the story of Theorick and Nesaak?

Telvu: Probably not. Well, you see, Nesaak was not always frozen.

Telvu: During Theorick's time, this place was like the Wynn plains, warm and arable.

Telvu: For some reason, Theorick Twain used his immense power to freeze the land before exiling himself here.
(Telvu:何らかの理由により、Theorick Twainはここに自身を封印する前にその強大な力でこの地を凍り付かせたのです。)

Telvu: We need to find out why so we can reverse this spell. Presumably, the source of that spell's magic would be within here.

Telvu: As such...have you heard of a place called Time Valley? We could use it to go back in time, to try to learn more about this barrier.
(Telvu:ところで…貴方はTime Valleyと呼ばれる場所の事をご存知ですか?それを利用して時を遡り、この障壁に関して更に調べてみましょう。)

Telvu: Well...in a way, at least. There are laws to this sort of magic. For one, you need an item from the specific time we want to see. Second, you can witness the past, not change it.

Telvu: One of Theorick's staves is on display in the Nesaak bank. Presumably, it should work for what we need. Could you retrieve it somehow?




You should head back to the mage with the wand.

Telvu: Aha, quick job. I see you've the wand. Must've needed a sharp tongue to get the bankers to give it up.

Telvu: Now, it is a long walk to Time Valley. Needn't take that walk, though, as I can teleport you there. Hopefully.
(Telvu:さて、Time Valleyまでの道のりは長いです。ですが、歩いて行く必要はありません。私がそこに貴方を転送致します。上手くいけば。)

Telvu: Once you're there, enter the Temple of Time. You should know what to do once you are there. Careful dealing with time travel, friend... No idea what you might find.


Telvu: Just step into the portal.

Telvu: Should anything go wrong, I'll stay here to teleport you back to the temple.




[-582, 70, -1176]の"時の扉"を通り、過去に行く。


This is the Temple of Time...

Here you can visit the memories of this land...

The altar requires an item from the time you desire to access...

You can not return until your goal is fulfilled...

You will access a memory as if you were present, but when you return it will be as if you were never there.




589 AP
(589 AP)

411 years ago.


Psern: What the...

Psern: Woah, your weaponry and armour is so advanced!

Psern: Are you another Twain? Only the Twains know magic like that.

Psern: Oh, you're looking for Theorick.

Psern: He's busy fighting in the war, shouldn't you be doing the same?

Psern: He went west. There was some kind of emergency.

Psern: We've been fighting the corruption for years, it seems like it might finally engulf Nesaak.



Theorick: I could've sworn she had gone this way... Oh, what now, more imbeciles? This forest isn't safe to travel!

Theorick: If you need help, lodge a complaint with the guards. I'm busy and I can't exactly break away from saving this god-blessed province to chill your milk!!

Theorick: Are your ears full of wax?! I said-
(Theorick:耳に蝋でも詰まってるのか?! 私は——)


Theorick: Urgh, the things followed you! See what happens?! STAND ASIDE.


Theorick: As though I needed TWO people to save! Now get out of here, I have to find that woman who went missing!

???: HEEEELP! I can't outrun them!!! Guards! Someone!!
(???:助けてえええ!逃げきれない!!! 衛兵さん!誰か!! )

Theorick: Whuh! That's her voice! Where is she?! I just cleared this area!
(Theorick:ぅわ!あれは彼女の声か!どこだ?! この辺りは一掃したというのに!)


Girl: Th-Theorick!! There's corrupteds!!
(少女:Th、Theorick!! "穢れた者"達よ!! )

Theorick: Ugh, is she dragging them over from the west?! You there, If you don't want to end up frozen, GET BEHIND ME, NOW!!
(Theorick:むむむ、西から連れて来たのか?! 凍らされたくなければ、私の後ろに隠れろ、すぐにだ!! )


Theorick: Phew... You're out of danger now. If you hadn't left town, though, you wouldn't have been IN any danger at all!

Theorick: Don't bother apologizing to me, just get back to town. Now.

Theorick: Next time you feel like picking flowers in the forest or whatever you were doing, remember you have a life to live, hm?!
(Theorick:森で花を摘みたくなったのか何か知らんが、次はお前にも人生がある事を忘れるなよ、分かったか?! )

Theorick: Every day, more corrupteds, more deaths... There is only one thing for it. I have to tackle it myself. Cut the roots...and kill this hellish weed.

Theorick: Still here? Well, listen up. Myself and a few others are planning something risky. Damned be it if our minds are lost, I need to go through that portal.

Theorick: You look heavily geared, so I'm conscripting you. Meet us at our base, immediately. Follow the river south and you'll see a house on the right side.



Theorick: Well, I'll give you this. You're prompt to listen to orders, at least. We're headed to the Roots of Corruption.

Theorick: The last man that entered the portal and returned became Bak’al... But if there is even a fraction of a chance this could work, we must take it at this point.

Theorick: Let's get moving. We'll be taking no breaks on the trip, so I hope you were prepared.


Theorick: Now. The sheer cold I command can stave off corruption itself. Somehow I doubt any of you can say the same. I'll go in alone.

Theorick: When I enter... If I had to make an assumption, corrupteds will swarm the portal after me. Your job? Slay them. I can't have distractions in there.

Theorick: You will not be leaving your post here until I exit that portal. Understood?




You successfully protected the Portal!

The bridge has been fixed!

Theorick: ...no...

Theorick: ...no, no, no no no NO!! DAMN IT ALL!!
(Theorick:…クソッ、クソッ、クソクソクソクソっ!! クソッタレがぁ!! )

Theorick: You know what happened?! I lost!! I will destroy the province if I turn completely! GET AWAY, NOW! DO YOU HEAR ME?! RUN!!
(Theorick:何が起きたか分かるか?! 負けたんだよ!! 完全に侵されたら私がこの州を破壊してしまう!逃げろ、今すぐだ!聞こえないのか?! 走れ!! )

Theorick: I... C-calm yourself, Theorick...don't...don't lose yourself to it...there's...yet a solution...one way...

Theorick: Oh...you again...the others...dead? Run off? Cowards...urgh...

Theorick: You live...so...eyes up. Listen to me. If I turn...w-when...when I turn...n-no, can't...gaaah, I'll destr- Nggh...

Theorick: I won't last, you can tell... Right now...killing me is an impossibility, you idiotic weakl- Agh, GET OUT OF MY MIND!!
(Theorick:そう長くはお前に伝えられない…。今はまだ…私を殺す事は出来ない、お前が愚かな弱き——。あがぁ、私の精神から出て行け!! )

Theorick: Gaaah... Tell...everyone. I will freeze this place. I...t-too fargone. It needs time to heal...and my powers m-must be dampened...frozen...

Theorick: All worthless... Urgh, no...they yet deserve life...and this spell...it will surely claim some. Please, let them know why...

Theorick: If I have learned anything from that insufferable f- ...from Mael...deaths without reason lets spirits to linger. I would...prefer against giving him a harder time.
(Theorick:もし私が… 癪に触る…Maelから何か学んでいれば…。理由なき死は魂を留めてしまう。私は…アイツに辛い思いをさせたくない。)

Theorick: K-keep advancing. Your things, if everyone was as strong as you...we may stand a chance. This could end me, in time, once I am weaker.

Theorick: Let it be known...Theorick Twain is not dead. He cannot be killed...all will burn...until future days. Here, in this accursed place. Find me...and end it all.
(Theorick:知っておいてくれ…。Theorick Twainは死んでいない。奴は殺せない…全てを焼き尽くす…未来で。ここ、この呪われた地で。私を見つけ…全てを終わらせるのだ。)

現在のIce Barrowsの前に戻って来る。



Present Day

Telvu: You must have succeeded, or you would be yet in the memory of the past. I can feel some potent magic on you.

Telvu: So, you met Theorick? He was always said to have fallen from heroism after the great freezing.

Telvu: Hm...wait, this flame...did you receive it from the Temple of Time? How did...what is...this is impossible, given what we know!

Telvu: It unfreezes the entrance, you say...and...Th-Theorick...gave...he...what...? This raises so many more questions! Unless there was some other force at play...

Telvu: Well, ruminating on that will not help. Were you able to figure out why it was Theorick froze this place, at least?

Telvu: Wha...so many revelations...ice magic staves off corruption...? It is true that this place has seen less corrupted threats than other places in the province...

Telvu: Dear gods... We've had it all wrong this whole time... This was to protect everyone...but surely he would have told someone his intentions if he was of that sound a mind!

Telvu: All this time, spent buried alive, wrestling with the corruption. The thought horrifies you, as well, judging by your face. Killing him would be a mercy.

Telvu: Here. Use this. It may help protect you within the Ice Barrows... Please, soldier. Be Theorick's guardian angel. Free him from this torment.
(Telvu:ここに。こちらをお使い下さい。Ice Barrows内で貴方を守ってくれるでしょう…。お願いします、戦士殿。Theorickの守護天使になって下さい。彼をこの苦しみから解放してあげましょう。)


  • ステージ8での耐久戦では、残り30秒を切った時点でMobがデスポーンするため、ステージの周囲を回るような感じで逃げ続けると良い。
  • 過去の時代で死亡した場合、再度Nesaakの銀行からTheorickの杖を回収してTelvuの元へ持って行けば"時の門"へ転送してくれる。杖を回収後、直接神殿に向かっても良い。ネザーポータル前の橋で死亡した場合は[3738, 67, 1265]の家に向かえば戻れる。


Secret Discoveryの内容を含みます

  • 1.20 Gavel Reborn Update以降はTelvuがTemple of Time行きの転送ポータルを常時開放してくれるようになった。
  • Telvuの名前は、WynncraftのGM兼モデレーターのSelvut283氏のアナグラムとなっている。
  • 今までのクエストで語られる事はなかったが、本クエストで現在の暦が1000 APである事が分かる。



Posted by 匿名 2023年11月28日(火) 23:08:21 返信










ストーリー (Lore)
