Wynncraft攻略Wiki - Quest: Misadventure on the Sea (海上の災難)

報酬8500 経験値
4 Nemract Boat Pass
4 Selchar Boat Pass



Barman: Hello there soldier! What can I get you?
(マスター: これはこれは兵隊さん! ご注文は?)

Honip: I'll take 2 Nemract Whiskeys. One for me, one for this chap.
(Honip: Nemractウィスキーを2杯。俺用と、コイツ用にな。)

Barman: You got it.
(マスター: 承りました。)

Honip: So... I've seen ya around town. I saw how happy that guy was when you brought him some journal.
(Honip: そうだな...俺はお前を町で見かけたんだ。あの館の前にいた男、お前に日記帳を見つけてもらって喜んでたよな。)

Barman: 2 Nemract Whiskeys, coming up!
(マスター: どうぞ、Nemractウィスキー2杯です!)

Honip: So... Soldier. Are ya up for sailin' the ocean with me? I got a fancier boat than that seaskipper!
(Honip: それでだ...兵隊さんよ。俺と海に出てみないかい? あのSeaskipper(航海士)よりかは洒落た船を俺は持ってるぜ!)

Honip: I figured you'd be interested in explorin 'the waters!
(Honip: 大海原を冒険するの、興味がありそうだと思ってさ!)

Honip: I'll wait for ya on the docks. Don't worry, ya can't miss the boat!
(Honip: 停泊所で待ってるぜ。安心しろ、船は逃げねぇからよ!)



Honip: There you are! Ready? Follow me, the boat's over here!
(Honip: よし来たな! 準備はいいか? ついてこい、船はすぐそこだ!)

Honip: Look at this.. Magnificent! Much better than whatever the Seaskipper is using!
(Honip: こいつを見ろよ...すげぇだろ! Seaskipper(航海士)のやつよりも遥かに良いってもんだ!)

Honip: Well, what are you waiting for? Hop aboard!
(Honip: さて、何を待つ必要があるってんだい? 乗りな!)

Honip: Then it's settled, we're going on an adventure!
(Honip: 安定したな、それじゃ冒険に出かけるぞ!)

Honip: So... I should warn ya', this is actually my first time sailing...
(Honip: それで...これは言っておくべきだと思ったんだが、実はこれが俺の初めての航海でな...)

Honip: It doesn't seem too difficult though, a little to the left...
(Honip: そんなに難しくはなさそうだしな、おっと、少し左へ行かないと...)

Honip: Hmm, looks like we're not the only ones out on the water today.
(Honip: うーん、今日海に出ているのは俺たちだけじゃなさそうだな。)

Honip: They are a bit too head on, don't you think?
(Honip: あの船、ちょっと近すぎないか?)

Honip: I'm trying to steer the ship but it's not budging...
(Honip: 船を操作しようとしてるんだが動かねぇんだ...)

Honip: That's unfortunate...
(Honip: クソ、なんて運の悪い...)

Honip: Unfortunate... For YOU!
(Honip: なんて運の悪いヤツなんだ...お前さんはな!)

You've been knocked out...
Sounds like you are being dragged around...
Right-click the small sign on the bed. it reads "Behind you, idiot."

Honip: Hey, you're finally awake.
(Honip: おい、やっと起きたか。)

Honip: I honestly, truly can't believe you fell for that. Let me sum it up for you...
(Honip: 正直言って、まさか引っかかるとは思わなかったぜ。お前のために今回のことをまとめてみよう...)

Honip: Some extremely suspicious pirate comes up, offers you a drink, and leads you to his suspicious boat.
(Honip: 超怪しい海賊が現れて、お前に飲み物を奢り、そして怪しげな船に乗るように言ってきた。)

Honip: Any normal person would've turned back by then. But what do you do? You hop on! Well, now you're stuck with us.
(Honip: 普通の人間ならそこで引き返してただろうよ。だがお前は? 乗船しちまったのさ! そして、お前はここに今閉じ込められている。)

Honip: Let me make this quick. This boat needs renovation, and we want you to do it.
(Honip: 手短に話そう。この船はリノベーションってのが必要でな、お前にやってもらいたい。)

Honip: Why? You're a soldier! All you do is take orders! Anyway, we'll need you to clean our stuff. Here, get out.
(Honip: なんでかって? お前は兵士だろうが! 兵士なら命令には従えってもんだ! とにかく、お前には掃除をしてもらう。ほら、出てこい。)

Honip: So, there's quite a few bodies in there, and we never bothered throwin' them out!
(Honip: それで、ここには結構な数の死体があってな、まったく掃除したことがねぇのさ!)

Honip: Go ahead, here's a sponge for the dried blood as well. Just wack the bodies with it!
(Honip: ほら、このスポンジなら乾いた血でも掃除できるからよ。そいつで死体を引っぱたいてくれ!)

Honip: If you need me, I'll be on the deck. And, uh, don't go in the hold. We've got a BIG rat problem.
(Honip: 俺に何かあれば、デッキにいるからよ。それで、その、船倉にはいくなよ。面倒な大ネズミがいやがるからな。)



Honip: Hey! The boat's lookin' real nice now!]
(Honip: おいおい! 随分と綺麗な船になったもんだな!)

Honip: I'll probably let you rest so- hold on.
(Honip: それじゃあ休憩時間に- 待て。)

Pirate: Ho-Honip! One of the guys said he saw something really weird coming right for us!
(海賊団員: Ho、Honip! 団員の一人が、凄く妙なモンが近づいてきてるって!)

Honip: Wait...What? Soldier, come!
(Honip: 待て...何だと? 兵隊、来い!)

Honip: What's happening?!
(Honip: 何が起こってるってんだ?!)

Pirate: We-we don't know! We can't exactly see it, but it seems huge!
(海賊団員: わ、分かりません! よく見えませんが、大きそうです!)

Honip: I- Let me see.
(Honip: な- 見せてみろ。)

Honip: Uh... Where am I supposed to be looking at, exactly?
(Honip: う〜む...どこを見りゃいいんだ?)

Pirate: I swear, it felt like the whole ocean was getting crazy a second ago!
(海賊団員: 本当なんです、さっきまで海全体がおかしかったんですよ!)

Honip: If this is another one of your jokes...
(Honip: もしお前の下らない冗談だってんなら...)

(Seth: 見ろ!)

Seth: What the hell is that??
(Seth: 一体全体なんなんだありゃ??)

Honip: I don't know, this wasn't planned!
(Honip: 知るか、こんなの想定にはねぇよ!)

Honip: Soldier, now's your time to shine! Scare it off with one of your spells or something'!
(Honip: おい兵隊、お前の出番だ! お前のスペルか何かでヤツをビビらせろ!)

Honip: I don't know where that creature came from, but thanks to you it's gone.
(Honip: あの化け物がどこから来たのかなんて分からんが、お前のおかげでどうにかなったぜ。)

Honip: I've got something else for you to tackle. it's about... the rats.
(Honip: もう一個やってもらいことがあってな。その...ネズミどもについてだ。)

Honip: Come to the hold, I'll explain on the way.
(Honip: 船倉に来てくれ、道すがら説明する。)

Honip: I think we have quite a hellish problem on our hands.
(Honip: どうやらかなりヤバいことになっちまってるみたいでな。)

Honip: I'm not sure what y'all find there, but these are NOT normal rats.
(Honip: お前が何を見ることになるかは知らんが、とにかく普通のネズミじゃあねえんだ。)

Honip: So please, get in there... and kill everything, alright?
(Honip: だから頼むぜ、そこに入ったら...とりあえず全部ブチ殺してくれ、な?)

Honip: I've got faith in ya. Here goes nothin'!
(Honip: お前のことは信頼してるんだぜ。上手くやってくれよ!)


船倉の中にいるネズミを倒して、Gunpowder Crate(火薬入りの箱)とCannon Fuse(導火線)を入手する。