Wynncraft攻略Wiki - Quest: Suspended Flowers (吊られた花)


Lacrona: Hello adventurer. You've happened to come at the perfect time.
(Lacrona: やぁ冒険者さん。ちょうどいい時にきたね。)

Lacrona: I've recently run out of a special material called the Aerolia Flower.
(Lacrona: 最近、Aerolia Flowerという特殊な素材の在庫が無くなってきてるのよ。)

Lacrona: I create and sell special armour as a hobby called Aerolia Boots, and the Aerolias are a key component.
(Lacrona: 趣味でAerolia Bootsという特殊な装備を作って売っているのだけれど、Aeroliaが鍵なの。)

Lacrona: The flower is only found around the magical Time Valley, which lies south of Nivla Woods.
(Lacrona: その花はNivlaの森の南にある不思議なTime Valleyにしか生えていないの。)

Lacrona: There is a path near the western entrance of Nivla Woods that leads straight into Time Valley.
(Lacrona: Nivlaの森の西側の入り口にはTime Valleyに続く道があったはずだわ。)

Lacrona: I have a student researching the area and it's unique effects. He should know where they are.
(Lacrona: そこにはそれの特殊な効果について研究している私の生徒がいるの。彼ならどこに花があるか知っているはず。)

Lacrona: His name is Asher, and should be living in a house near one of the many ruins in the Valley.
(Lacrona: 彼の名前はAsherといって、Time Valleyの朽ち果てた場所にある云えに住んでいるはずよ。)

Lacrona: Bring me [4 Aerolia Flower]. That should be enough.
(Lacrona: 4個 [Aerolia Flower]を持ってきてちょうだい、それで十分なはず。)

Lacrona: If you do this for me, I'll reward you with emeralds and a pair of boots.
(Lacrona: もし持ってきてくれたら、エメラルドとそのブーツを報酬にあげるわ。)


Time ValleyにいるAsherに話しかける。
場所Time ValleyX-450Z-1143

Asher: Ah, hello! I never get visitors here, so you must be the person Lacrona notified me about!
(Asher: あぁ、やぁ!ここに客人なんて来ないから、Lacronaが紹介してくれた人なんだろう!)

Asher: Azalia flowers right? No... Aerolia! Yeah, you can find those in a large, overgrown cave just outside this Valley.
(Asher: Azaliaのことだろう?いや... Aeroliaだ!そうだね、このTime Valleyのすぐ外の、とても大きい、草ぼうぼうの洞窟の中で見つけられるよ。)

Asher: It is in the side of a big cliff. In fact, you should have passed it on your way here.
(Asher: 大きな崖の側にあるんだ。ここに来るまでに通ってきたと思うよ。)

Asher: You should be careful though. This area has many unsolved mysteries about it.
(Asher: 気をつけた方がいいぞ。この辺りはまだ分からない事がたくさんあるんだ。)

Asher: For example, I found out that everything seems to be slowed down.
(Asher: 例えば、全部のものが遅くなっているような事があるんだ。)

Asher: It's really quite odd... almost as if time itself is crawling along slower!
(Asher: とても奇妙だろう... 時間そのものが遅くなっているような!)

Asher: But that can't be possible, right? No magic is that strong!
(Asher: でもそんな事あるわけないだろう?どんな魔法もそこまで強くないはずだ!)

Asher: Err, sorry. Look at me, going off on one of my rants again…
(Asher: ええ、すまなかった、また色々脱線してしまったな...)

Asher: Oh! And you should bring those flowers back to me once you get them, they need to be purified and cleaned!
(Asher: ああ!あとその花を手に入れたら一度僕の元へ持ってきてくれ、綺麗にして浄化しないといけないんだ! )


Aerolia Caveに入って[4 Tainted Aerolia Flower]を集め、Asherに持ち帰る。

Asher: Aha! You're back! Great, hand me those flowers and I'll fix them up for you.
(Asher: あぁ!戻ってきたみたいだね!素晴らしい、その花をこっちによこして、浄化をするから。)

Asher: Oh, I made a new discovery while you were gone. Time really is slower here!
(Asher: ああ、君がいない間に新しい発見があったよ。時間は本当にここでは遅くなっているんだ!)

Asher: I have no idea how, but think of the possibilities! Maybe we could live longer by staying here!
(Asher: なぜかはよく分からないけど、可能性はあるよ!もしかしたらここにいることで長く生きられるかもね!)

Asher: Here you go, the cleaned Ani-... no, Aerolias! You should go before you get caught in another one of my lectures.
(Asher: ほら、浄化したAni-...いや、Aeroliaだ!また僕が話し始める前に行った方がいいと思うよ。)


[4 Aerolia Flower]をLacronaに持ち帰る。

Lacrona: Ah, you have returned! And with the flowers I see!
(Lacrona: ああ、戻ってきたわね!花と一緒に!)

Lacrona: Thank you very much. I'll bring your reward right away.
(Lacrona: 本当にありがとう。今報酬を持ってくるわ。)

Lacrona: ...Here you go. These boots should serve you well.
(Lacrona: ...はい。このブーツはあなたによく似合うはずよ。)

[Quest Completed: Suspended Flowers]
[+1300 Experience Points]
[+28 Emeralds]
[+Aerolia Boots]

[クエスト完了: 吊られた花]
[+1300 経験値]
[+28 エメラルド]
[+Aerolia Boots]