Wynncraft攻略Wiki - Quest: WynnExcavation Site B (wynn発掘場B)
Wynn Excavation Site B (wynn発掘場B)
長さ 中
レベル 46
前提クエスト WynnExcavation Site A
必要アイテム Yellow Crystal Shard
50000 経験値
1536 エメラルド
1 Purple Crystal Shard

Stage 1 Edit

» Haunted Mansionの下の洞窟のいるExcavator Lykronに話しかける
  • 注意1 Yellow Crystal Shard を持ってないと始まりません。

Excavator Lykron: Good day! You're the person that helped us out in the desert aren't you? Excellent! Just the person I need! Can you help me out with a problem I have?
Excavator Lykron: Perfect! You see we are supposed to be searching for some of the... uhhh... long lost ruins of ancient Wynn, just like in the desert
Excavator Lykron: However, it seems no progress has been made recently; my workers have stopped working!
Excavator Lykron: The problem is, there are strange creatures down at the bottom of the cave disturbing them.
Excavator Lykron: I need you to go and kill them, but first you should go talk to one of my colleagues, he has more information for you.
Excavator Lykron: He is located directly at the bottom of the cave, go speak to him, go on now! Off you go!
Stage 2

» 洞窟の奥を探索する

Flendar: We know what you stole from us in the desert! Take THIS! You won't be escaping this dead end any time soon!
Stage 3

» パズルを解く。
» 左にある絵が完成図です。

Stage 4

» WynnExcavation Archaeologistと話す。

WynnExcavation Archaeologist: Baffling... What a puzzling situation I am in...
WynnExcavation Archaeologist: I cannot open this door for some reason...
WynnExcavation Archaeologist: We suspect the purple crystal is behind this door, but the descriptions in the scriptures don't match this door.
WynnExcavation Archaeologist: They seem to describe another door, but all our evidence says otherwise.
WynnExcavation Archaeologist: The scriptures also say something about hidden within the rocks... But we removed them all!
WynnExcavation Archaeologist: Well, the writing isn't actually all that clear, It could mean virtually anything. I think one of these words means hippo!
Guess we'll have to find out!
WynnExcavation Archaeologist: Anyway, back to figuring out what needs to be done here... Wait, who are you, you're not an employee of Wynn Excavation!
Stage 5

» ドアを迂回する道を見つける。
場所 X -2145 Y 5 Z 1206
» Purple Crystal Shardを回収して戻る

Stage 6

» Excavator Lykronの所に行き、Purple Crystal Shardを渡す。


Excavator Lykron: I have to admit, I'm impressed. I genuinely thought our plan would be successful. Who knew that dead end had a secret exit.
Excavator Lykron: Not me apparently. We know what you took in the desert, you were just some kid expected to do a delivery job, who knew you'd take a shard of the crystal.
Excavator Lykron: Don't pretend like you don't know what it is, you know as well as I do combing the four crystal shards is told to bring unlimited power!
Excavator Lykron: You will not interfere any longer. The location of the remaining crystals are known only to us; the fire and leaf crystals are safe.
Excavator Lykron: I see that tricking you isn't the way to defeating you. If we ever meet again, we'll be using force and upping our security. Now I never want to see you again. Our socie- I mean company, will not tolerate your interference again.