Wynncraft攻略Wiki - Quest:The Canyon Guides(迷いの峡谷の道案内)

Canyon of the Lostは非常に道が入り組んでおり、遭難者が続出する難所となっている。今もまた1人、洞窟内にいる遭難者を寺院に導くよう、プレイヤーは道案内を依頼される。
場所Bantisu Air Temple
報酬1450000 経験値


場所Bantisu Air Temple入口X444Y104Z-4805

Gana: Hello, adventurer. Welcome to Bantisu Temple. We help "the lost" move on, and help travellers like yourself navigate the canyon.

Gana: We are masters of the air, through the wind we can see all. Wherever it goes, we can see.

Gana: But you aren't lost, are you? Impressive. We could actually use your help.

Gana: There's a lost man, in a cave way in the north, his food supply is running low and if he dies his soul will be lost to the canyon.

Gana: But the path to him is impossible for us monks. If you were able to bring him here, we might be able to save him.

Gana: His name is Seluc. To find the cave he is in, just follow the main path northwards to the edge of the canyon. I shall also write down the coordinates for you.


場所Canyon of the LostX450Y29Z-5371

Seluc: Hello, is someone there? I can't believe it! Do you know your way around the canyon? I'm so lost! Must be because I'm so nearsighted...

Seluc: The people at Bantisu Temple can help me? All right, I'll come with you, but watch out for rockslides!



Seluc: Be careful, there's a rockslide coming! We both need to keep away from that red area!

Seluc: There's another rockslide coming! Remember to keep away from that red area!

Seluc: Oh no, it's another rockslide! We need to hurry to the other side before it blocks the path completely!


場所Bantisu Air Temple入口X444Y104Z-4805

Seluc: We've finally made it! And it's all thanks to you, human.

Gana: Ah, I see you have arrived safely, Seluc.

Seluc: Yeah, and it's all thanks to you, human! You saved my life out there! Wait... how do you even know my name?

Gana: I am at one with the wind, I can see and hear all.

Seluc: Anyways, I can't thank you enough for coming to my rescue like that.

Seluc: Take this, it's the least I can give you for saving my life.

