Wynncraft攻略Wiki - Quest:The Passage(要塞都市への道)

TromsとPigman's Ravinesを繋ぐ通路"The Passage"は、Troms市民にのみ利用が許可されている。プレイヤーは"The Passage"の利用権を得る為、Ildanの依頼を引き受ける事となる。
報酬140000 経験値
256 エメラルド
The Passage(Troms〜Pigman's RavinesのFast Travel)の利用権



Wirt: Not so fast, you!

Wirt: My dad said I can't let any strangers through this passage!

Wirt: If you want access, talk to him, he's the recruiter of the town! His name is Ildan. He's just southwest of here.



Ildan: Oh! So you want to become a member of this town?

Ildan: You will have to help us first, of course!

Ildan: I'm sure you've noticed, but there is a tribe camp not too far from here.

Ildan: They used to have a powerful chief, but he eventually died in battle.

Ildan: The tribe couldn't bear the fact that he was dead. They performed some unethical necromancy spell on him.

Ildan: They quickly realized that is was a bad idea, so they locked him in a tomb.

Ildan: He keeps reviving his minions and it's causing quite some problems to our army.

Ildan: You can access the tomb from a sacrificial shrine, I've heard, but I'm not sure how. There are probably hints nearby the shrine.

Ildan: Bring me back [1 Antic Bead] as a proof of its death, and I will let you become a citizen.
(Ildan:彼が死んだという証拠に、[Antic Bead]を1個持って来て下さい、そうしたら貴方を市民にしてあげます。)

Ildan: I've marked the direction to the shrine in your book. Remember, there should be hints right nearby the shrine. Good luck.





Ildanに[Antic Bead]を渡す。

Ildan: Impressive! You got the bead!

Ildan: Well, welcome to this town, adventurer! You are now officially a citizen.

Ildan: Oh, but before you go! I do have a few things to say. First, about the beads here.

Ildan: The tribesmen accept these as currency, so if you collect enough, I've heard they can offer you powerful masks.

Ildan: Second, about the shrine. Now, this is just a rumor, but apparently that tomb is not unique.

Ildan: There are supposed to be a bunch of these altars scattered around the province, even in Gavel too!

Ildan: If true, you should look for them. While the fights will be tough, I would imagine great rewards could be gotten from them!

Ildan: Anyway, I've talked enough. I'm proud to have such a powerful fighter join our town! I wish you luck, friend!
