
Quest: Fallen Delivery(墜落した航空郵便)

場所Gylia Plains
報酬1300000 経験値
6144 エメラルド


Talk to Bricot at [65, 42, -4844]
[65, 42, -4844]にいるBricot(ブリコット)と話す

Bricot: Aaah what am I gonna do what am I gonna do what am I gonna do what am I gonna doooo! There's no way I can solve this...
ブリコット:ああぁ、どうしようどうしようどうしようどうしよぉう! もうなにもできることがないよ…)
Bricot: Wh- HUMAN! No, no, no! I don't need a demolitions service! The airship downing over my house has done that enough- Hey, wait!
ブリコット:わ、人間! いい、いい、いらない! 解体サービスなんかいらないって! 家に落ちた飛行船がもう十分やってくれた… いや、ちょっと待って!)
Bricot: You all are a reckless lot, aren't you?! You can run through some burning wreckage, right? That isn't above your paygrade, right?! RIGHT?!
ブリコット:君たちってみんな無鉄砲なんでしょ?! 燃えてる残骸の中でも走れるんだっけ? それぐらいなんてことないんだよね?! ね?!)
Bricot: Go through my house to the wreckage! Find any survivors you can! They might...I don't know! I don't know if they'll help but it's all I can think of right now!
ブリコット:僕の家を通って飛行船の残骸に行ってきてよ! できるだけ生存者を見つけてくるんだ! 彼らは…わからないけど! 誰か生きてる人が助けになってるかはわからないけど、今はそれしか考えられないんだよ!})


Scale the house and search the fallen airship for survivors




家の外に出た後は、落ちている紙をたどっていく。飛行船には、Cargo Itinerary(貨物の運送計画書)と数人の死体がある。

They're dead. Looks like one of them got hit by a cannonball.
Seems like they were the only people manning the ship.


Bricot: Okay Bricot, your house is a loss, but...don't panic... Don't panic. Please tell me the crew is-
Bricot: ...urgh. I didn't want that sentence to end with DEAD! Aaagh, this is a disaster!!
ブリコット:…ううっ。死んでるって結末なんて嫌だよ! ああ、大惨事じゃないか!!)
Bricot: My farm's ruined, there's no good help- Hey, don't give me that look, I know what happened with Tolem!
ブリコット:僕の畑も台無しだし、ろくな助けもないし… おい、そんな目で見るな、Tolem(トレム)の件は知ってるんだぞ!)
Bricot: ...wait, that smell...that's sulphur. The airship engines don't use sulphur!
ブリコット:…待って、この匂い… 硫黄だ。飛行船のエンジンに硫黄なんか使ってない!)
Bricot: Gah, it didn't BREAK down, it got SHOT down!! Isn't the government going to DO something about all these mercenary groups?!
ブリコット:クソ、この飛行船はただ落ちたんじゃない、撃ち落とされたんだよ!! 政府はこんな傭兵団に何も対策しないのかよ?!)
Bricot: Wait, what am I saying, there's a human here. Okay, new favor- go to the mercenary camp to the south there and do us ALL a favor, huh? Do what you do best!
ブリコット:いや待て、僕は何を言ってるんだ、ここに人間がいるじゃないか。いいかい、新しいお願いなんだ… 南にある傭兵団のキャンプに行って僕らみんなのためになんとかしてくれない? 得意なんだろうから頼むよ!)


Investigate the bandit fort at [-20, 41, -4828]
[-20, 41, -4828]にある傭兵のアジトを調査する

You've broken through sturdier barricades before. A spell will knock it down easily.

Marden: Round up, fellas! There's an uninvited guest barging in!
Marden(マーデン):お前ら、集まれ! 招かれざるご来客だぜ!)


With most of the mercenaries gone, you should be able to enter the mercenary's hideout now.

Marden: ...figures that you lot would be able to crack our defenses, huh? Alright, out with it. What do you want?
Marden: ...Oh, is that all? Somehow, for someone who chopped through my men like a knife through paper I'd have expected more of a demand.
マーデン:…なんだ、それだけか? 部下たちを紙切れのように斬り捨てた奴だから、もっと大きな要求をするかと思ったがな。)
Marden: We were hired by an anonymous benefactor to shoot down the airship. Frankly, it was a ridiculous job- could've been done far cleaner.
マーデン:俺らは匿名の後援者に雇われてあの飛行船を撃ち落としたんだよ。正直言えば、馬鹿げた仕事だったぜ… もっときれいにやることもできたさ。)
Marden: The fellow wanted the mail being transported. Said we could take anything else that was left in the ship. But shooting it down only put everything at risk!
Marden: All the cargo, all the correspondence, it could've easily gone up in flames. I don't think the fellow was thinking straight- they just really wanted that airship downed.
Marden: Didn't even notice the great big hole in the sack they put the letters in. There's stray papers all over the ground. We have confidentiality with them, but...
Marden: At the same time, I've got my money, and they're an utter fool. If you want to catch them, follow the papers on the ground. I certainly won't stop you.


Follow the trail of papers to the bandit's house

Stray Page(離れたページ)を辿っていくと、一軒の家に着く。地下に入ろう。


Find the envelope in the cellar and return it to the sender

Sealed Envelope(封がされた手紙)に書かれた返送先に届けよう。


Gawrick: Oh, dang. Almost had it that time. Maybe the flux is out of sorts- Yes, of course! Need more Squirmle Residue to deal with that...
ガウリック:あぁ、くそっ。もう少しで成功だった。溶剤の調子がわるいのかもしれない…そうだ、きっとそうだ! これを解決するにはもっとワームエキスが必要だ…)
Gawrick: Quick, hand me the pliers! ...what? Yes, I know you aren't my assistant, but you've got two strong arms! Blessings of babylon! Pliers are easy to hand over, right?
ガウリック:はやく、そのペンチを渡してくれ! 何だって? ああ、君は私の助手じゃないのはわかってるが、君には立派な腕が二つもあるじゃないか! バビロンの祝福そのものだろう! ペンチくらい簡単に渡せるだろう、え?)
Gawrick: Uh, buddy? This is a paper. Yes, there's writing on it, I see that, but what does that have to do with stabilizing the flux? Come on, think!
ガウリック:ああ、なんだい君? その紙は。何か書いてあるんだろうってのは確かに見ればわかるが、それがこの溶剤の安定とどう関係あるんだ? どうした、考えてみろ!)
Gawrick: ...wait a second, this is my handwriting. Hey, this was supposed to be in Ahmsord two days ago! How in harbledee did you get this?
ガウリック:…ちょっと待て、こりゃ私の字じゃないか。おい、これは二日前、アームソードに送ったはずだぞ! どうやって手に入れた?)
Gawrick: The ship got shot down? That's no good. Could probably...wait, the Squirmle Residue would be perfect for this! A gel-based reinforcer, the cannonballs would bounce right off!
ガウリック:飛行船が撃ち落とされた? それはまずいな。おそらく…待てよ、ワームエキスはその対策にぴったりだ!ジェルベースの強化剤だから、砲弾なんて跳ね返るぞ!)
Gawrick: Wait, focus on what's in front of you, Gawrick... The spell scroll isn't there...so. Hmm... Well, not to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but this might be the work of the airliners.
ガウリック:いや、目の前のことに集中しろ、ガウリック… 魔法の巻物はそこにない…だから。うぅん…まあ、陰謀論者みたいに聞こえるかもしれないが、これは航空会社の仕業かもしれないな。)
Gawrick: It's a longshot, though. That scroll detailed a spell that allowed for unlimited teleportation. It could really compete with the airliner business for convenience alone!
Gawrick: At the same time, though... The airship representatives control the ships. It's in the job description. Why would they shoot down the ship instead of just filching the mail?
ガウリック:しかし、同時に… 航空会社の代表者は船を管理している。それも仕事の一環だ。なら郵便物を盗むのではなく、なぜ飛行船を撃ち落としてしまうんだ?)
Gawrick: Well, it's a place to start! Why not talk with the airship representatives? They've got an office behind the customs desk in the airbase.
ガウリック:まあ、まずはそこからだ! 航空会社の代表者と話してみたらどうだ? 彼らは航空基地の税関の裏にオフィスを持っている。
Gawrick: It wouldn't make a whole lot of sense if they were behind it, so I'd just as soon scratch it off the list. Now, watch in amazement as I instantly teleport you to the office!
Gawrick: Juuuust as soon as I grab the pliers...er, oops! Hand slipped! Um, hands and feet INSIDE the dimensional bridge please!
ガウリック:さあぁて、やっとペンチが手元に…あ、あぁっと! 手が滑った! えぇ、次元の狭間では行動を控えるようお願いいたしまあす!)


Find the representative's office in the airship base at [-258, 58, -4999]
[-258, 58, -4999]にある航空基地の代表のオフィスを見つける

Office Manager: ...need something? The representative, huh?
事務長:…何かご用で? 代表にですか?)
Office Manager: No, it's been a while since Ernold's shown his face. He's in his office- said not to have anyone bother him.
Office Manager: So, you're out of luck. You'll probably not catch him today. Especially since he looked so frantic- when he gets like that...whoof.
Office Manager: And, please don't try to sneak in and bother him either. I got my ears boxed last time someone got by me.


Find a way to enter the representative's office



Enter the representative's office



Catch Representative Ernold

Representative Ernold: STUPID! SCROLL! LET GO OF MY HAND!
アーノルド代表:このポンコツ! 巻物が! 手から離れろ!)
Representative Ernold: Why is this activated just by shaking it?! And why is it covered in this sticky residue?!
アーノルド代表:なんでちょっと振るだけで発動するんや?! そんでもってなんでこんなねばねばのジェルで覆われとる?!)
Representative Ernold: Wait, it- it's you! Garni! Help me out! This maniac's spell scroll is forcing me to teleport!!
アーノルド代表:待て、お…お前は! Garni(ガルニ)や! 助けてくれ! この狂った魔法の巻物でテレポートさせられとるんや!)
Representative Ernold: I can't grab the scroll without it getting zipped away! You have to catch me and grab the scroll!!
アーノルド代表:ポンポン飛ばされとるんじゃ巻物が掴めん! ワシを捕まえて巻物を掴むんや!)
Representative Ernold: PLEASE! I've been stuck like this for five hours! Grab the scroll off me! I promise a pay raise if you do!!
アーノルド代表:お願いや! もう5時間もこんなや! 巻物を取っ払ってくれ! やってくれりゃ昇給を約束したる!)
[Objective: Catch Ernold]


Representative Ernold: GWEH! You almost got it! But it's even worse now! Once more! Grab the scroll off of me!!
アーノルド代表:ぐあっ! もうちょっとや! ただもっとひどくなっとるぞ! もう一回や! 巻物を取っ払え!)


You've ripped the scroll out of Ernold's hands! He's stopped teleporting. Time to interrogate him.
アーノルドの手から巻物を引き裂いた! テレポートが止まった。問いただそう。

Representative Ernold: Urp...hrk...guhh. Th-thank you, SO much, Garni-
Representative Ernold: Wait! You aren't the office manager! How did a human get in here?!
アーノルド代表:待て、お前は事務長やないな! 人間がどうやってここに入ってきた?!)
Representative Ernold: ...oh, perfect. I've been rumbled, I see. Fine- at least let me say my piece here, alright? I had a good reason for this!
アーノルド代表:…ああ、それはそれは。まるっきりお見通しみたいやな。わかった…せめてここで言わせてくれ、ええか? これにはちゃんとした理由がある!)
Representative Ernold: For one thing, Gawrick's a damned maniac! This is clearly a danger- he's too erratic to trust his inventions!
アーノルド代表:まず、ガウリックはとんでもない狂人なんや! こんなの明らかに危険…あの人はその発明品を信用するにはあまりに突飛すぎる!)
Representative Ernold: For another, this was supposed to be a scroll of teleportation with no drawbacks whatsoever. Supposed to be, being the key words.
Representative Ernold: Do you have any idea what that would do to the airship industry? It's a nice thought surely, but think about how many people work in this airbase alone!
アーノルド代表:この巻物が航空業界にどんな影響を与えるんかわかるか? 確かにええ考えやとは思うがな、この航空基地でどんだけの人が働いとるか考えてみい!)
Representative Ernold: There'd be thousands jobless! I told him not to mail that scroll over, and I thought he listened! Then I heard him bragging in the street, and...well, I panicked.
アーノルド代表:何千人もの失業者が出るぞ! ワシはあの人にその巻物を郵送せんように忠告して、てっきり聞いてくれたと思っとった! そっからというものあの人が通りで自慢しとるんを聞いて…もうパニックや。)
Representative Ernold: I'll admit, hiring the mercenaries to shoot down the ship was hasty of me. But that scroll can NOT be made into a public commodity! Even if it's stable, which it ISN'T, it could ruin people's livelihoods!
アーノルド代表: これは認める、傭兵を雇って飛行船を撃ち落とすのはワシの早とちりやったわ。ただな、あんな巻物を公の商品にするわけにはいかん! 安定しとるかどうかに関わらず、人々の生活を台無しにしかねんやろ!)
Representative Ernold: I'll relinquish it to you- I can tell you're expecting it. Maybe he'll listen to you...oh, what am I saying. Gawrick only ever listens to those voices in his head- or whatever drives his damned insanity.
[+1 Spell Scroll]
[+1 呪文の巻物]


Bring the spell scroll back to Gawrick at [-486, 52, -4882]
[-486, 52, -4882]にあるガウリックに呪文の巻物を持ち帰る

Gawrick: Oh, so it WAS the airship people? What in the hell possessed them to shoot down their own ship then?!
ガウリック:ああ、それじゃあ航空基地の奴らが? でも彼らは一体何に駆り立てられて自分たちの船を撃墜したんだ?!)
Gawrick: Pah. That Ernold doesn't know a good idea when he sees it. As though anyone REALLY enjoys the airline food!
Gawrick: ...huh. It activated by shaking the paper? That wasn't supposed to happen. Did I put in too much Nimbuseeker rain...?
ガウリック:…ふむ。紙を振るだけで発動したって? そんなはずじゃなかったんだがな。雨雲ちゃんの雨を入れ過ぎたか…?)
Gawrick: Well, looks like the ink got shook right off the paper, so it's useless anyways- and the notes I'd sent with the letter are missing too. Guess it's a secret lost to the ages now, cause I can't remember how it worked now.
Gawrick: Ah well. I figured how to transmute wine into cheese while you were gone anyways, so I've got a good money-making racket going anyways!
Gawrick: ...mneh. I don't really care about a small man like him. I won't bother with the police on this one. It technically isn't on his hands anyways, but we'll just try and let him sleep with that on his head.
Gawrick: Hey, maybe you can help me out in another way! I had a DIFFERENT idea for teleportation scrolls anyways. Here- some free samples. Try 'em out for me, wouldja?
ガウリック:おい、他にも手伝って欲しいことがあるんだよ! 他にもうひとつテレポートの巻物についてアイデアがあるんだ。ほら…サンプルだ。試してみてくれよ、どうだ?)

  • +1300000 Experience Points
    (+1300000 経験値)
  • +6144 Emeralds
    (+6144 エメラルド)


  • クエスト完了後、ガウリックの元へ訪れると、2EBでどこかにテレポートしてもらえる。街の中やダンジョンの入り口など、行き先はランダムに選ばれるが、この方法でしか行けない"ポケットディメンション"もあるのでお金に余裕があったら試してみよう。










ストーリー (Lore)
